Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Hello from my heart to yours...

"Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm."  Unknown

Confession: I am not always nice. This morning, I did wake up happy... then I received an email that just floored me... and then, I yelled at my mother because I was trying to concentrate on how to respond to the force that had just taken my morning sun away from me... and I fumed all the way to the building department... all the while, praying to God for "serenity" .. just a little bit... of course, by the time I arrived downtown, I was pretty much over it as I had decided that I would write about "serenity" today... I wrote down the definition in my notebook... "The state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled" ... I planned to respond to the morning email through the blessing... and I'm sure it wasn't going to be that nice because I was flabbergasted... 

Anyway... I started working.... truly happy to be greeted with the familiarity of my "people" ... the one's who smile at me and hug me and brighten my day as I process plans... afterwards, I went into the core of the downtown area... kind of walking aimlessly... just strolling and enjoying the slight breeze... I came upon "Peace City" .. an array of tents set up at the Government Center with "Occupy" signs everywhere... I passed it and sat on a bench on the other side of the fountain intent on writing today's blessing... until........ 

"Serenity", in the form of a 27 year old Veteran, sat down next to me on the iron bench ... "Amazing," he said... "Yes, it is" ... I replied.... and for almost 2 hours, we sat and spoke of so many things... this young soul...so worldly in his thoughts and views on life... exposed to so much too soon probably.. now in school again and awaiting his next tour to Afghanistan in April...

nothing.. absolutely nothing in my life was that important anymore... I am a serene person... within me is a stillness and a sanctuary that I can retreat to any time... I know that, I just chose to let that email make me forget it... but my "serenity" prayer was answered... another spiritual being sitting next to me was all I needed to remind me... the energy of peace that he brought with him was spectacular really... this is how we should all be... ambassadors of "serenity" ... we should draw on the light and peace and God within us to be able to offer it to others... as blessed people that we are, we shouldn't let other people take our serenity away.. it's our choice really... our reaction is what dims our own lights and darkens the sanctuary within us... if we have God in our hearts, this should never happen... instead, we need to pray and meditate and look within ourselves for that gift so that we can continue on our journey through life full of love and serenity....

At the end of our afternoon, he said, "it must have been your haircut that made me want to talk to you.." lol... adorable ... and I say now... "Thank you, God... thank you, young man... you are truly a cherished blessing to the world... may peace always be with you..."
May we all be able to draw on the serenity within us... and then, be able to share it with those who have forgotten that they can do the same... after all, we are loved beyond measure .. no storm is ever bad enough to stop us from being the blessed people God intends us to be...
May your evening be blessed with all things good,
Much love and serenity to you all,

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