Wednesday, November 23, 2011

and I say "Thank YOU"

Hello from my heart to yours....
"Thanksgiving is nothing if not a glad and reverent lifting of the heart to God in honor and praise for His goodness." 
                           Robert Casper Lintner

On this day before Thanksgiving, give thanks again for the gift that YOU are and the life that you lead.  It is hard to be a "spiritual being having a human experience" ... it's hard to bring love into spaces where there is very little... to share truth with hearts that are filled with fear.... and to trust in God even when you do not always have a tangible reason to do so - but these, my blessed friends, are lessons in the mastery of love. It takes fortitude to keep going in times when fear runs so freely around us.. but when you have faith... and when you practice loving kindness... and when you are truthful with yourselves and others...  you will find an abundance of love ... a love that goes way beyond the roof over your head and the food on your table... you will find the abundance of God's love within you... lift up your hearts and give thanks for the love..... 
And I want to give thanks for all of you this Thanksgiving.... You inspire me, you challenge me daily as I search within myself to find words to share, and you make me want to always grow and better myself  through the sharing of inspirations... and when I think the words just aren't there to write a blessing, you bless me with a reply and give me just the courage I need to do it again the next morning.... and I thank you all for that. We are all brothers and sisters in this journey called life.  Every single one of us experiences the same lessons in different ways, the same emotions at different times, and the same hopes and dreams for the people on earth.  You are the abundance in my life and I am blessed to be connected with you all even if we have never physically met.  It is because of people like you that I believe our world is heading towards a grand and glorious existence... a joyous and blessed world full of love.
May God bless you all with good things and may you have a blessed Thanksgiving Day,
With love and sincerity... thank you from my heart to yours... I love YOU... 
And lastly, I'd like to leave you with a prayer written by my great friend, Rod McKuen

To those who cannot pray. To those who cannot walk upon the ground. To those who cannot see and those who cannot hear the world around them. To those who cannot speak. To those in misery and discomfort. To those poor of means or poor of spirit to those who feel oppressed or put upon. To those who have not yet found a God or someone they can pray to or someone with whom to pray.

Oh Lord, for these our sisters and our brothers who do not pray and will not pray, we ask that you provide enough wisdom and compassion in all of us to pray for them . . . and for ourselves that we find better ways of caring for and helping one another..
- RM 11/21/98. Adapted from "A Prayer For Our Special Brothers & Sisters" , 1980

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