Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Let it Grow.. Now is the Season

Hello from my heart to yours....
"Consider a field of lilies in seed. The wind which carries the seed plays no favorites. The seeds fall where they will, according to the fortunes of wind and weather. Those that fall in fertile soil, may be tended and cared for. Grow strong and bloom. Those that fall in baron soil will die. Yet some will cling to life in arid places. On hillsides, in deep clefts. And so, the traveler, unsuspecting, comes upon a sight of beauty. A single lily, growing amid the rocks. The thoughtful traveler will water this lily in passing. Grateful for its strength, its beauty, its tenacity to life. And growing in the rocks, as it is, is it not, in its essence, still a lily.. And every bit as beautiful as these.."
                                                                                         Master Kahn, Kung Fu

Let's Celebrate Springtime!  Let it Grow!  Now is the season for movement, change, growth, and new life.  Imagine yourself as a seed that has been carried by the wind and has fallen randomly on God's earth... if you imagine yourself having fallen on fertile ground... Amen! ....now is the season to grow... but if you feel you have fallen on dry dirt... do not despair... think of the lily clinging to the rock... and then imagine God as your rock.... Amen! ....  now is the season to grow.... grow and experience the light of your truth pushing up through the darker beliefs that have held you captive as a seed... now is the season to burst into the light....  
A seed is probably one of the most amazing things in this world... it's hard to imagine that such a tiny thing can produce something as large as they do... Seeds are so often used in parables and stories as metaphors for spiritual birth and/or spiritual growth... the Bible has several of them.. Zechariah 8:12 is a great verse with a spiritual metaphor... I understand this verse to mean, "The seed will grow well (people will continue to grow), the vine will yield its fruit (people will blossom and grow spiritually), the ground will produce its crops (the people will multiply), and the heavens will drop their dew" (the heavens will provide the nourishment that the people will need to keep growing and prosper)... all we have to do is have faith, hope and love in our hearts...

Anyway... last Friday, I went to see The Lorax ... What a delightful movie...a perfect message for Spring and for the upcoming Earth Day celebrations in April...and even, a message to go with the Lenten theme of "reflection, reconciliation and reformation" ... the message:  "Let it Grow" ... yes, that is the message... literally, they are singing about the seed growing... however, metaphorically I interpret it as ... now is the season... we are the seeds and we have the seed of light and love within us.. we have the ability to sow that seed, and then, reap the wonderful harvest of the LIGHT and LOVE that is ours in our Divine Right as children of God...
and so.... use Spring as an excuse if you will to ...GROW... like a seed in the fertile soil longing for the light... and like a seed trapped in rocks longing to survive... God's love is pushing you to grow.... now is the season to take advantage of that.... Spring is the season of love... and you are loved beyond measure and a cherished blessing to the world!
May your day be blessed with all things good,
With love,

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