Friday, March 2, 2012

Flying Lessons

Hello from my heart to yours...

"'Come to the edge,' he said.
They said, 'We are afraid.'
'Come to the edge,' he said.
They came.
He pushed them, and they flew..." 

                            - Guillaume Apollinaire 

This is one of my favorite quotes.... I can totally envision it... it's all about having faith and believing that if pushed, we will actually fly... it's perfectly "normal" to be afraid to get too close to the edge.. life is scary, but we have to remember that we are blessed people and God has given us one another to love and be loved in return... all we need to do is hold the hand next to ours until we are ready for someone to give us that little push, or better yet, until our faith is so strong that we ourselves let go.... and fly ...
However, let's use this quote to do a mental exercise today and through the weekend.. and any time you need help flying...... a meditation of sorts ...

Close your eyes...Think of a current problem; a situation you may be in; anything that you know is holding you back from moving forward... In your mind's eye, see it is represented by a wide, deep chasm cut across the face of the earth and imagine yourself fearlessly stepping to the very edge and looking down.... Far, far below you can see a rapidly flowing river so narrowed by the distance that it looks no wider than string. 

Now imagine spreading your arms open wide and leaping from the edge, falling downward for an instant and then feeling your body being lifted on a strong current of air.... You ride the current upward....  Up, up, up you go, soaring higher and higher, feeling exhilarated and alive....

Soaring to a whole new level of understanding where faith, hope and love keep you afloat... and all because you stepped to the edge and jumped...

So, did you see yourself?  Try this every time you find yourself having to deal with some kind of "problem" ... even a "disappointment" ... or a "project" ... I don't know... put whatever you want into that chasm ... see it disappear into the flowing river... have faith in God and yourselves  ... and you will always be able to fly...

Everything we fear in life that deters us from moving forward either ties us in knots and makes us feel trapped OR gives us an opportunity to fly.... We get to choose which.... 

May we always be aware that everything that we fear.. every obstacle that we face... everything that deters us from being the blessed people God intends us to be... all that holds us back from living the life we love and loving the life we live... all these things and more are simply flying lessons in disguise.... 

Have faith and believe that you will always be able to fly if you "let go and let God" .. because you are loved beyond measure and a cherished blessing to the world..... come on, let's all fly together...

May your weekend be blessed with all things good,
I love you... Namaste... 

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