Monday, April 22, 2013

Love the Earth

Hello from my heart to yours....

"Fields of wonder are the places God goes walking, I found them by mistake and I’ve trespassed."  Rod McKuen

Today is Earth Day... I probably should have written about it on Friday as most of the world spent the weekend giving back to the earth... but, it really just slipped my mind...  I would love to say that I did something, like clean up the Biscayne Bay, but I didn't... I do try to make a conscious effort to love the earth every day... anyway, I think we have these kind of "designated" days to remind people, who otherwise would not think twice about it, that we need to be aware of the things that affect our world.... 

I am a total nature girl... the dirtier I can get planting and re-planting my garden, the better I feel... I am a true tree-hugger... not just in that hippie connotation, but in that I will HUG a tree that looks like it is in distress and say, "grow tree, grow" .. I think this came from a cartoon my older boys used to watch.. maybe dragon-tales.. I'm not sure, but it stuck with us... why not? we should be able to feel the pain in nature... those of us who have been through natural disasters and have seen our trees uprooted, know how devastating it is.. I can't be the only one who has shed a tear for a lost mango or avocado tree... 

I have often felt as though I have been walking in the "fields of wonder" ... my brothers and I would spend countless hours roaming and exploring the land in Louisiana.... we always smelled of earth and hay and horses and goats and berries and rancid "coolie" water ... I would pick every weed flower there was and adorn myself with them... as teens, in Miami, we frequented "hidden valley" ... not sure if I could tell you where it is now, but all of our friends would go there to swim in a natural spring of sorts.. we learned how to swing from ropes and flip in the air and do back dives from the cliff... we were all so free... always barefoot and dark from the sun... then, as a young adult in New York, I left the city every weekend for Hunter Mountain.. never did that much skiing.. just loved hiking through the woods, following the little bubbling water sounds... always a creek beneath the snow and rocks.. and now, as an adult, my favorite escapes are to the ocean and/or camping... I feel that all my life thus far has been a "hike" of sorts.... to far fields I have gone, along the sea and above the hills and back again... always running on some new ground and learning that all those wondrous fields belong to God.. He gave us this beautiful earth... and it is our responsibility to take care of it.... to harm the earth in any way is to heap contempt on God... as Chief Seattle said, "The earth does not belong to man, we belong to the earth"  ... 

The following commercial "Crying Indian" aired in 1970... I was a little girl, but it had a huge impact on me... whenever I see people flinging things out of their car window, I "see" the Indian before my eyes... and it makes me so sad.....

So... I don't know where I was going with all this... preserve the earth... love the earth... thank God for all the flowers, trees, streams, rivers, oceans, mountains, valleys.. all of nature sustains us, trees create oxygen for us to breathe... rivers quench our thirst when we are parched.. flowers fill our nostrils with heavenly fragrances.. etc... the earth provides all that we need... and if you don't believe me, go outside and walk on the grass barefoot... lie down on it.. look up at the trees above you.. the leaves... beyond it the clouds and the sky... breathe in softly.. smell the yellow of the sun... I guarantee you that your spirit will feel the oneness with the earth... the oneness with God....

You are loved beyond measure and area cherished blessing to the world... love this world we live in...
May you be blessed with all things good,
with Love,

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