Friday, February 24, 2012

Laying the Foundation

Hello from my heart to yours...
"I've come to believe that all my past failures and frustrations were actually laying the foundation for the understandings that have created the new level of living I now enjoy." 
                                                                                                                   — Anthony Robbins

Of course, it's hard to see and understand this sometimes.. and sometimes it isn't revealed to us right away... but, with the passage of time, those experiences we thought to be the most frightful, hurtful and troublesome, turn out to be the greatest aids in helping us become the blessed people God intends us to be... More often than not, we will find ourselves looking back with gratitude, counting each experience as the true blessing it reveals itself to be.. . all we have to do is insist on finding the "good" in what we have experienced no matter how painful it was and even when it showed no sign or symptom of goodness.... For just as a rose by any other name remains a rose, so does a blessing, no matter what we might call it in any given moment, remain a blessing... it is through meditation and prayer that we receive the "revelation" and are then able to see the blessing......
I find that when I have gone through these "less-desirable" experiences, in the end, I am asking , "Why did You want me to learn that lesson, God?" ... and after maybe crying in the shower, drinking a few beers with my cousin, walking around the block 50 times and smoking some cigarettes... I walk over to my beautiful Parish garden and meditate and pray... and eventually I say, "Thank You God for getting me through this... please help me understand it so that I can move forward with my life and be in Your grace...." ...
One of my childhood friends had a quote on our refrigerator door when we lived together in our 20's... I have tried googling it, but can't seem to find it... it was something like this ... "I am stagnated. I am not using my capabilities to the fullest. I will let go and let God."  and this is exactly what happens when we do not see the blessing.. we become stagnated... we have to find a way to let go...
I use several tools to get my messages to heaven... a L.A.M.B. (Lord Accept My Burdens) box, an angel box (where I write my petitions down and the angels take them to heaven), a fire pit (where I write down what I want removed from my life and burn it) and a piece of Indian jewelry (where I write my affirmation down and seal it in like a locket...) all these things sound a bit way out there, I know...... but we all know that I am a little "touched", but I believe in "letting God" .. so these little looney rituals, though I sometimes think may not be working, at least work to ease my heart ..
... I end the tangent now with this heartfelt wish for you today......
"May you always be willing to see the blessing even in those times when it is hidden well....
May you walk happily on the foundation that has been layed down by all your life experiences..
May you be able to let go and let God...
May you always live the life you love and love the life you live....
And may you always be aware that you are loved beyond measure and a cherished blessing to me."
May your weekend be filled with all things good,
With love,

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