Friday, February 3, 2012

Thank you for the Transformation

Hello from my heart to yours....
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed."              Carl Jung, Swiss psychologist 
Every day I seem to be transformed in one way or another .... my heart is filled with so much love... and I continue to have so many things to be thankful for... the friends that are no more, old friends that are new again, new friends that are becoming old friends, cyber friends that I have never met and yet, warm my heart daily.... "personalities" serving as reminders of God's love... 
All of our personalities are unique... and as Carl Jung says, transformations do occur within each if there is a reaction... it could just be a momentary thing that lasts a few minutes, but impacts us for the rest of our lives like the woman who told me (after I said, "Lord, help me" under my breath) "I'm not the Lord, but I can hold your hand while you are waiting to be helped.." or you could meet someone and instantly fall in love with their spirit as if they have been travelling with you your whole life ... or you could already have a person in your life that has made a daily impact for years... all of these encounters take me back to the "Reason, Season and Lifetime" thing I have so often written about...
I read a post on Facebook that says, "Sometimes the wrong choices take us to the right places." ... so, never dismiss these "personalities" that come into your life, for they are there to transform you and help you on your journey to being the blessed person God intends you to be... be open to meeting people every day... and re-meeting them years later as well... but also be able to leave those that have already transformed you if the "reason or season" is over.... 

About a year and a half ago, I re-met a childhood friend... I think it had been almost 30 years since we last saw one another... at the time of the "meeting", he was experiencing total turmoil in his life.. after speaking with him for approximately 3 hours, I was "transformed" and felt an instant kindredness ... I knew that we were going to be fast and true friends and that I wanted him in my life ... and I became his "sister from another Mister" as he calls me...  today, we share a special bond of friendship and love ... I carry his heart.. and he carries mine...  

Meeting people can be challenging these days.. fortunately for me, I am open to receive this challenge and find it easy to let people into my life... I have, also, been fortunate enough that people let me into theirs as well... as I write this I am thinking of a fabulous childhood friend who is celebrating his birthday today... I am thinking of am adorable young girl from Indonesia who posts hearts on my FB wall... an entrepreneur in Maine who is building his "Embody Peace & Love" business and expecting the birth of his first grandchild any day now... a mother who is challenged with raising 2 teenage boys who have Aspergers Syndrome.. I am thinking of my brother who is away from his family studying to be a Chiropractor... an Emmaus sister who is named after a flower... I am thinking of my "Sweets" and praying for her... I am thinking of my love... and I am thinking of all the "personalities" who have transformed me and shaped me and who I love beyond measure... 

And so... Today, I thank all of the personalities... ...old and new... and in between... the ones who were in my life for a short time and the ones who I know will be with me until I close my eyes forever... I thank all of the personalities ... whether I see you all of the time or on occasion  ... whether I will ever meet you or will never meet you again ...
Thank you for the transformation...I am so blessed ... always remember that you are loved beyond measure and a cherished blessing to me and the world.... may your weekend be filled with all things good,
I love you,

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