Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Lent - "Spring"

Hello from my heart to yours....
Note:  Although this blessing focuses on using Lent to build a new life... all people could use a change of heart ... the word Lent was taken from several languages all of which referred to spring, new life, and hope... therefore, those of you blessed people who are not Christian can simply interpret the word as what it was literally translated from... Spring... and use this time to build a new life none-the-less.....   
"Our life is what our thoughts make it.  A man will find that as he alters his thoughts towards things and other people, things and other people will alter towards him."
                                                                                                                James Allen
It sounds too easy to be true, doesn't it? When we are told that we can change our lives by changing our minds, most of us are usually skeptical.  During Lent, we should not only try to change our hearts, but our minds as well.  Lent is intended to be a new Spring in our lives... a time which we invigorate our faith.  Lent calls us to a change of heart, attitude and behavior.  If we go through all the rituals and prayers and Masses of Lent, but nothing is changing in our attitudes and behavior, Jesus may say to us what he said to the Pharisees... "These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me." (Matthew 15:8)
We may try to change our thought patterns for a bit just to see if the idea has credence at all, but then later when we look around and see that pretty much everything is as it was, we shrug our shoulders with that familiar "just what I expected" air and move on.
Do not give up... Lent is a time of reflection, reconciliation and reformation.  It is a movement of the heart.
Changing our lives is a great deal like building a house... It is not done by hammering one nail in a board, but by repeated application.  Over and over we must let our minds center on the life we would live instead of on the one being lived.... and just as applying hammer to wood repeatedly can eventually lead to a completed frame of a new house.. so can steadfast prayer, fasting and almsgiving change our hearts and lead to the completed frame of a new life.
May you always persist in bringing the life you want into realization...
May you always know that God listens to your heart....
and may you always be aware that you are loved beyond measure and a cherished blessing to me and the world....
May your day be filled with all things good...
With love,

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