Sunday, March 17, 2013

Everything is a Blessing

Hello from my heart to yours....

"Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself, and know that everything in life has purpose. There are no mistakes, no coincidences, all events are blessings given to us to learn from."  Elisabeth Kubler-Ross 

Amen, Amen.... but, that's a tough one to believe, isn't it? especially if you experience test after test, trial after trial, struggle after struggle... especially if you feel it's just one heartache after another... and seriously, everyone has asked, at one time or another, "Why God?.. how much more do I have to endure?" .. it's perfectly normal to question why, however, we need to step back and reflect.. we need to stop and look deep inside our hearts and try to find the blessing in it... of course, as I write that I can only think of Mother Teresa when she said, “I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish He didn't trust me so much.” ... lol... I find it so humorous really... maybe that's what we should all believe so that we don't feel so smothered by life....

Everything in our lives is a blessing, including ourselves. I have read so many definitions for the word "blessing" .. the dictionary one I like the most is, "a favor or gift bestowed by God, thereby bringing happiness"..  if we believe that our happiness is independent of our circumstances and that it is self-contained then, regardless of what is happening to us externally, we can be truly happy internally, and therefore, blessed... it's that simple... yeah, right...  it sounds simple enough, but here's where that "faith, hope and love" we are always supposed to have comes into play.. 

I believe that God is the source of all my blessings.. He is an eternally loving presence within me...He knows all about me and loves and adores me as I am.. and I believe that everyone has this eternally loving source within them, also..
Learning to accept, enjoy, and appreciate all the conditions in your life as somehow part of God's plan is difficult for sure, especially since we all know that many of the blessings bestowed upon us are not revealed immediately, but if we learn to be patient and meditate and pray, we will realize that everything we experience is a blessing, even if we don't like it.... the idea is to learn and grow... 
Anyway.. when I saw the above quote, I thought I was going to write about "no coincidences" in life.. guess that wasn't in God's plan... lol... so, let me wrap it up...during Lent, we have been keep a "gratitude" journal whereby, we write down just one thing that we are grateful for in the day.. at first, I didn't know how to begin, but Giorgio, my 10 year old, showed me  (through his thoughts) that the deepest, most meaningful aspects of life to be grateful for, are the ones that appear to be ordinary and inconsequential... for example, "I am grateful that I have shoes on my feet"...or  "I am grateful to have my Mama"... sometimes, the blessing is as simple and as vital as, “I’m alive... I’m breathing... I’m here.” ...  all those "tests, trials, struggles and heartaches", well....., I can wait to see the blessing in them.... I can wait til God reveals them to me... there are no mistakes, no coincidences, all events are blessings for me to learn and grow into the blessed person God intends me to be... And so it is.....
May you all be able to believe that everything in life has purpose.. that everything is a blessing bestowed upon you by God to bring happiness to your heart because you are loved beyond measure.. you are a cherished blessing to the world...

May your day be blessed with all things good,
With love,

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