Friday, October 21, 2011

Energy You Bring

Hello from my heart to yours....

"Be responsible for the energy you bring into this room."  Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor

A friend of mine from childhood, who I have only come to know, "see" and love now as an adult, posted this quote as her status last night.  After suffering from a stroke, Dr. Taylor had these words posted on the door to her room... it would definitely make me stop and reflect on the kind of energy I was going into the room with... We are selfish by nature and are usually preoccupied with our own feelings and emotions.... we are not usually aware of the energy we carry... some of us don't really have to think about it that much.. there are positive people who always seem to light up a room with their presence, however, there are plenty of people who walk into a space and you think, "Oh brother, here they come.. I hope they are happy today." 

I had a friend who I grew up with that was always a happy child.. sweet, giving and loving... when she came back into our group about 2 years ago, she was going through a bitter divorce and we thought we'd give her the support she needed to get through it all.... at first, we kind of excused her negativity and chalked it up to her "circumstance", but little by little, instead of our positive energy rubbing off on her, her negative energy drained us.. at lunch one time, she (sadly) was able to actually make me physically ill... I know it sounds crazy... but I decided to be her friend from afar.. to simply pray for her, but never see her again... as I write this, I think, "wow, that was selfish of me to protect my own energy..."  hmmmm... I wonder...

Anyway, Omar Khayyam said, "Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life."  There is a spectacular photograph of 2 of my friends hugging one another... in the background, you see all the other friends looking upon them and smiling.. when you see it, it is love in motion and you can't help but be moved by the happy energy... one of the girls commented to the photographer, "thank you for capturing the "moment." and he replied, "You are a walking "moment." ... What a compliment! I want to cry every time I think about it... That is exactly what we all should want to strive for.. walking into a room and being the positive "moment" for everyone else present.

Is it really that difficult? I don't think so... as Dr. Taylor says we are responsible... we have to be aware of ourselves.. our disposition.. our demeanor.. we all have things that trouble us... we all have days that we are down and don't want to get out of our beds to face the world, but we don't have to take those feelings out with us... if we're lucky we have a friend or 2 with whom we can "vent".. get it out.. and move on into the positive energy that allows us to love ourselves and the world's people as we should... 

May you all be responsible for the energy you bring into a room.. and in your emails.. and on your facebook walls, even... if you choose to remember how blessed you are to be alive and how loved beyond measure you truly are, then.. there is no reason you cannot be the "moment" of positiveness for all the world to witness.. be happy... these moments are your life...

May your weekend be blessed with the energy of LOVE,
With love,

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