Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Inner Voice

Hello from my heart to yours.....

"The human voice can never reach the distance that is covered by the still small voice of conscience.....  Everyone who wills can hear the inner voice. It is within everyone." 

                                                                                                        Mohandas Gandi

If you let it.. life will overtake you.... things will happen in your life and you will have no control.. you will simply "go with the flow"  and by doing so, you are allowing others to dictate your life... People love to tell others what to do.. parents, grandparents, spouses and friends give advice and you listen because they mean well.. and granted, sometimes they do have good advice, however, you have to strive to listen to yourself... that inner voice that speaks to YOU.... that inner voice that I believe is GOD... 

I know that not everyone on this blessing list calls him God.. and when I googled the different names for "God", I found too many to mention here... also, in my search I read something very interesting, and possibly what I may have been trying to say all along in the blessings... we live in a society that has many cultures and many religions and though we may not agree with everyone's beliefs, we should be tolerant and treat everyone with respect and love because all religions are equally valid since our path's all lead to God...  interesting right? Of course, as a Catholic, I am supposed to say that unless you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, then you will not be with saved in the end... hmmmm? but as a Catholic, I was, also, taught that God loves the whole world and so then, why wouldn't He save people of all religions and allow us to live His Kingdom as brothers and sisters?  I don't know... more and more, I am of the simple belief that: "LOVE is my religion".... 

Pay no mind to my tangent writing.......Soooooo way off what I was going to write about... and as my best friend would say to me right now... "Look, something shiny!"  lol

Anyway, I'm back from the reef... and to my belief that we all have a spiritual purpose and something to contribute to this life.. to be able to be the blessed people that we are destined to be, we need to be able to tap into that direct connection that we have with the most powerful force in the universe...God.  That "intuition" (as it is called) is our spiritual guide, but we have to listen... YOU have to listen to yourself... there is nothing outside of YOU, not family or friends, that can answer your questions better than that "little voice."

So ask the question.. pray and meditate about it... and then LISTEN... listen with an open mind and an open heart... be willing to wait patiently for the answer.... be willing to accept NO, too.... it's definitely hard, but as I continuously say... with faith, hope and love in your heart, all things are possible....

My affirmation for us today:

We are loved beyond measure and are blessed to hear the "little voice" of God...  Our minds and our hearts are open to receive all the answers that are rightfully ours in our Divine Right... We believe the answers that we receive... and therefore, we will become the blessed people we are destined to be..... Amen.

May your evening be blessed with all things fabulous,
With love,

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