Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Being "Present"

Hello from my heart to yours...

“We think that the point is to pass the test or overcome the problem, but the truth is that things don’t really get solved. They come together and they fall apart. Then they come together again and fall apart again. It’s just like that. The healing comes from letting there be room for all of this to happen: room for grief, for relief, for misery, and then... for joy.” 
                                                              ~ Pema Chodron from When Things Fall Apart

On Monday morning, my house was burglarized... I was only gone 2 hours... I can't explain the feeling of walking into such needless destruction and disarray... as if a tornado ripped through each bedroom individually... what's gone is gone... after all, they were just things... mostly of sentimental value as I sold almost all my jewelry 3 years ago to pay for a fabulous trip to Italy... so, I'm not falling apart because of that... my grandmother's things can't be replaced.. my father's 100 year coin collection will probably be used in vending machines... oh well... I just feel beaten up and violated... some strangers touched my clothes and my bed sheets and even my make-up... but thank God, nothing happened to me or my child... only mentally, do we feel exhausted...

Yesterday, I attended a funeral service... those of you that have been with me a long time know how I like to go to memorial services and masses (not burials) .. I go for the living... to offer "presence" during their time of sorrow.. this is what I was taught... and so, as I partook of the mass for the mother of one of my Emmaus Sisters, I looked around and realized that there are a group of Emmaus Sisters that are always "present"... always the same familiar smiles coming together in companionship and love... 

Back in September, I wrote a blessing about being "present" for others.... again, about attending a service where the minister open with, "Thank you for being "present" ... your presence is a prayer offering for the family and friends showing them that they are not alone." I have never forgotten that.... so anyway... just as my thoughts drift from one thing to another in the blessings I write, so they do all day and the "presence" of my Sisters, triggered the thought of the robbery again....

When I got home, I called my siblings and my best friends... they kept me company on the phone while the police went through the rooms... in between phone calls, my yard guy and my neighbor sat with me in the patio... they were "present" for me... I had to go to a meeting so I left, worked, picked up my kid and came back.. all the while dreading the thought of having to clean up... when I arrived at my house, my sister-in-law was there waiting.. 30 minutes later, my aunt and uncle arrived, then, my brother, then another aunt, then my sister.. and all the while, my phone didn't stop.. calls, texts, emails.. all wanting to offer their "presence" ... or their home for us to spend the night... by 7:00 the rooms were back to a "decent" state... and there was no reason for me to "fall apart" .. I am blessed. I am loved... (Of course, that night, we slept in a locked room ...)

Anyway, life goes on and though it may "fall apart" one day, the next day it comes together again... and with another's "presence",  we heal.. and there is joy again...  so, I thank God that I am here... it could have been much worse... and I thank my Emmaus Sisters for reminding me (at the funeral service) about the importance of being "present"... it made me realize how many people are "present" for me and how blessed I am because of it.... 

It doesn't take much to be "present" for one another... all you have to do is remember that you are loved beyond measure and a cherished blessing to the world... We transform our lives and the lives of those around us simply by being "present." ...  It’s compassion in action..... thank you all for being "present" with me on this spiritual journey of blessing one another....

May your day be blessed with all things good,
I love you,

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